1. Analyse the question

2. Find information and evidence

3. Take and sort your notes

4. Develop your structure

5. Write your draft

6. Review your work

7. Final steps

8. Submission due
Your due date is .
1. Analyse the question (10%)
Start by 0%.
- Identify the key components of an assignment question.
- Determine the required nature and extent of your response.
- Book in for an online consultation
- Watch a UWA video on assignment questions
- Go through our Starting Assignments Survival Guide
2. Find information and evidence (15%)
Start by 10%.
- Find information relevant to your assignments.
- Assess the results of a search strategy for quality and relevance.
- Book a librarian or contact the Library
- Use Library Survival Guides to help you find sources
- Watch the UWA critical thinking skills video
- Have a look at a Survival Guide on reading effectively
- If your assignment involves maths or stats, get help in a Maths and Stats consultation
3. Take and sort your notes (15%)
Start by 25%.
- Organise your ideas using note taking methods.
- Acknowledge the source of ideas and words of other authors.
- Watch a UWA video on reading efficiently
- Find tips on managing information in ACE
- Read a Survival Guide on note-taking
- Attend a reading and note-taking workshop
- Watch a UWA video on reading and notetaking
4. Develop your structure (10%)
Start by 40%.
- Recognise the common structural elements and key features of written assignments
- Select an appropriate structure for responding to an assignment question.
- Get assignment advice at an online consultation
- Watch a UWA video on structuring essays
- Check out Survival Guides on structuring essays and reports
- Attend a STUDYSmarter workshop on academic writing.
5. Write your draft (20%)
Start by 60%.
- Recognise the importance of showing your ‘voice’ in written assignments.
- Recognise the different ways evidence can be used in your assignment.
- Get feedback at an academic skills consultation
- Watch a UWA video on essay arguments
- Watch a UWA video on writing assignments
- Use Survival Guides so you know how to quote and how to paraphrase.
- Attend a STUDYSmarter workshop
6. Review your work (20%)
Start by 80%.
- Follow a structured process for reviewing and proof-reading your work.
- Refer to ACE to avoid plagiarism
- Proofread your work with help from grammar and editing Survival Guides
- Watch a UWA video on polishing your writing
- Watch a UWA video on improving common sentence errors
7. Final steps (10%)
Start by 90%.
- Format your assignment and check the requirements
- Use Turnitin or other tools as instructed
- Final check using the clear writing and editing Survival Guide
- Check references using a referencing guide
8. Submission due
Be sure to submit it before the last-minute deadline on 100%